El Camino de Santiago de Compostela

El Camino de Santiago de Compostela

Saturday 21 November 2015

Booking No.2

To you it may just be Nov. 21st, but to us it is the day that Eurostar tickets for May 19th 2016 go on sale. Booked this morning. Next booking day is Feb19th when Virgin trains and TGV tickets go on sale. Looks like we're committed now.

Saturday 14 November 2015

A Sad Day

Sat here on a damp, dreary Saturday with the news full of the Paris atrocities and feeling a bit down despite the fact it's my birthday.
I'm fed up with our governments getting involved in situations in the Middle East that they don't see through to a sensible conclusion. If we're going to encourage Syria's opposition parties to rebel against Assad, the we should help them to achieve their and our stated aim, which is to remove Assad from power, not leave them in the lurch thus creating a power vacuum that Isis can just walk into. If we're not prepared to help them, we shouldn't encourage them.
I'm fed up with extremists of all faiths (and I include Christians) thinking that their way is the only way, and if you don't agree you get blown up or shot. This applies just as much to a family planning clinic in the Bible belt of the USA being attacked as it does a concert hall in Paris.
But most of all I'm fed up with all the garbage that will be spouted about curbing civil liberties to keep the peace, about how all immigrants are terrorists, about how the only answer is for our political parties to lurch even further to the right.
I don't have any answers but I thought the image below summed up pretty much how I feel.

I Think Martin Luther King has it about right!